book shelf

Calvin and Hobbes

My parents bought me the first two treasury books on 2018. I later purchased the last book from Amazon.

Calvin and Hobbes is a daily American comic strip created by cartoonist Bill Watterson. It was published from November 18, 1985 to December 31, 1995.

Poster Presentation

Environment Day Poster

Before my class opened for 2021 academic year, my class teacher called me and asked if I could do a poster on Environment day. And immediately I said yes.

book shelf

Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls Volume 2

“Beatrix made up a story about a naughty Rabbit in a smart blue jacket who lived with his three siblings and his mother. Beatrix named him Peter Rabbit.”

‘Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls Volume 2’ published in 2017 is filled with more stories about women.

book shelf

Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful”

– Malala Yousafzai

I started reading books when I was little. My favourite comics are ‘Calvin and Hobbes,’ ‘Tintin’ and ‘Asterix and Obelix.’ I really enjoy reading all my books in my bookshelf.


Feather design bottle art

Ever imagined of using a toothbrush for doing bottle art?


Bottle art for beginners part 2

We have met some of the tools for doing bottle art in ‘bottle art for beginners part 1’ now here are the remaining tools.


Bottle art for beginners

I got inspired for doing bottle art by watching YouTube videos when I was in fourth grade. Doing bottle art is fun but it also takes practice and patience too.

Some of the basic tools you will need to make every bottle art are –


Wall Hanging Frames

To make this DIY wall hanger you will need:


My Children’s Day Presentation

During one of my online classes, my class teacher asked who all would like to participate for the 2020 children’s day program.

I first thought of doing a speech but then got the idea of doing a presentation on children’s day. And I was one among the two to prepare a Children’s Day presentation.