‘Rebels and Dreamers’
Tag: art

We were on our way to see the Government House Western Australia today (29 October 2023, Sunday). While taking a shortcut near the City of Perth Library, we chanced on the Scribblers Festival 2023 at the Cathedral Square.

How do you portray a character on stage and convey emotions to viewers when the story demands the scene to be set in complete darkness?
I’m pleasantly surprised how shadows and shadow puppets can overcome the above constraints on stage.
‘Boola Bardip’: Many Stories

“Oh! These biscuits look so real!”
“Yes, you are right. They are 40 years old — they are from 1983!”
I couldn’t believe it. The history of cookies and biscuits industry displayed in the ‘Reflections’ exhibit at Boola Bardip Museum is very interesting.
Easy mandala art

Mandala as an art form first appeared in Buddhist art that were produced in India during the first century B.C.
To make an easy mandala design you will need –
Feather design bottle art

Ever imagined of using a toothbrush for doing bottle art?
Bottle art for beginners

I got inspired for doing bottle art by watching YouTube videos when I was in fourth grade. Doing bottle art is fun but it also takes practice and patience too.
Some of the basic tools you will need to make every bottle art are –